Job Description
Job Title | Electrical 1 Supervisor (Planner) |
Abbreviation | SPVELE1 |
Company | MCCI |
Department | Technical/FGM |
Division | Maintenance |
Section | Electrical & Instrumentation |
Unit | |
Position Level | Supervisor |
Work Area | Plant |
Accountability | Maintenance Division Manager |
Summary of Job Responsibility
The Electrical Maintenance Supervisor the primary responsibility for support Assistant Manager in supervision and execution maintenance activity and program related electrical maintenance and project in are of charge. This position is responsible to supervise operational activity suitable plan and budget related electrical maintenance and project. The position will also make and give provide, practice, training and customer support function and supervise people activity in area responsibility. This position will support to effectively and efficiency maintenance operational, improving electrical maintenance activity and equipment, supervise and to implement electrical maintenance process and procedure for maintenance activity responsibility
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Duties and Responsibilities
- Support Assistant Manager to plan suitable maintenance budget in own area in its charge according to SOP of budget control in order to carry out equipment management activity and project surely, and achieve it after approval of Section Manager.
- Supervise Subordinate of equipment management activity in own area in its charge according to SOP of equipment management in order to run equipment management activity and project smoothly.
- Plan target for improving equipment management activity in own area of its charge with subordinate by analyzing current condition of scope in its charge in order to minimize total loss caused by equipment failure.
- Supervise Subordinate to examine improving equipment management activity in own area in its charge assigned by Assistant Manager in order to minimize total loss caused by equipment failure.
- Do its share ideas or knowledge for develop and handling problem with other’s internal section’s supervisor and related section in success of work and achieve target of company.
- Execute supporting production activity assigned by Assistant Manager according to SOP of engineering in order to achieve objective aimed by production Division economically.
- Do its share operation of safety activity according to section policy in order to achieve zero accident of section employees and subcontractors.
- Play a fixed role on emergency according to factory’s integrated organization on emergency in order to take quick and suitable measures.
- Execute Quality, Safety, Health and Environmental management system of section according to ideas of QSHE (QMS, EMS, Safety System) in order to support achievement the target of the company.
- Support Assistant Manager to improve atmosphere and environment of work place by cooperating with related persons in order to create active, bright and disciplined division.
- Develop subordinate by mentoring and training in own area in its charge suitable competence requirement of people for achieve target of quality.
- Support Assistant Manager by intimate communication with other sections in order to manage division activity smoothly.
- Practice and socialization of Corporate Compliance in work life and environmental.
- Perform other tasks that are assigned by Assistant Manager.
- Report Summary of its current condition to Assistant Manager by periodical report etc, and ask instructions and advise in order to follow section policy
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Competency Profile
Required Competency | RCL | ITJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
General | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
soft |
Organization CommitmentDescription
The ability and willingness to align one’s own behavior with the needs, priorities and goals of the organization, and to promote organizational goals to meet organizational needs. It also includes performing in accordance to organizational decisions and behaving with integrity by working with responsibility, obey the rules, trustworthy, follow ethical value, and consistent among mind, words and action Kemampuan dan kesediaan untuk menyelaraskan perilaku diri dengan kebutuhan, prioritas dan tujuan organisasi, dan untuk mendukung tujuan organisasi dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan organisasi. Termasuk pula di dalamnya adalah bertindak sesuai dengan keputusan organisasi dan berperilaku dengan integritas yakni bekerja dengan penuh rasa tanggung jawab, patuh pada peraturan, kejujuran, nilai-nilai etika serta konsisten antara pemikiran, perkataan maupun perbuatan. Behaviour Indicators
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Team WorkDescription
Ability to work co-operatively and communicate effectively (reporting, coordinating, consulting, and discussing (ho-ren-so)) within diverse teams, work groups and across the organization to achieve group and organization goals. Kemampuan untuk bekerja sama dengan baik dan berkomunikasi dengan efektif (melaporkan, mengkoordinasi, memberikan konsultasi, dan berdiskusi (ho-ren-so) dalam berbagai tim, kelompok kerja dan di seluruh bagian dari organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan kelompok dan organisasi. Behaviour Indicators
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soft |
Concern for QualityDescription
An underlying drive to reduce uncertainty in the working Quality (quality, safety, health, environment), process and system. It is expressed as monitoring and checking work or information, insisting on clarity of roles and functions
Suatu dorongan dasar untuk mengurangi ketidakpastian dalam Kualitas kerja (kualitas, keamanan, kesehatan, lingkungan hidup), proses dan sistem. Hal ini diekspresikan dalam bentuk pengawasan dan pemeriksaan terhadap pekerjaan atau informasi, yang menegaskan kejelasan peran dan fungsi Behaviour Indicators
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Result OrientationDescription
A concern for surpassing a standard of excellence. The standard may be one's own past performance (striving for improvement); an objective measure (achievement orientation); challenging goals that one has set; or even improving or surpassing what has already been done (continues improvement). Thus, a unique accomplishment also indicates a Result Orientation Perhatian untuk melampaui standar keunggulan. Standar tersebut mungkin merupakan kinerja masa lalunya (berjuang untuk perbaikan); ukuran tujuan (orientasi pencapaian); tujuan-tujuan menantang yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya; atau bahkan merupakan perbaikan atau pelampauan yang telah dilakukan (perbaikan terus-menerus). Jadi, pencapaian yang unik juga mengindikasikan Result Orientation. Behaviour Indicators
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Information SeekingDescription
A desire to know more about things, people and/or issues (know how, know why). It implies going beyond the questions that are routine or required in the job. It may include's digging or pressing for exact information; resolution of discrepancies by asking a series of questions; or less-focused environmental for potential opportunities or miscellaneous information that may be of future use.
Keinginan untuk mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai hal-hal, orang-orang dan/atau isu-isu (mengetahui bagaimana, mengapa). Hal itu menyiratkan keinginan untuk bertanya lebih jauh dari hal-hal yang rutin atau diwajibkan dalam pekerjaan tersebut. Termasuk di antaranya adalah atau berupaya keras untuk memperoleh informasi yang tepat; mengatasi perbedaan dengan menanyakan serangkaian pertanyaan; atau mengamati hal-hal di luar lingkupnya untuk memperoleh potensi kesempatan atau informasi beragam yang mungkin berguna di masa depan. Behaviour Indicators
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The ability and willingness to adapt to and work effectively within a variety of diverse situations, and with diverse individuals or groups. Flexibility entails understanding and appreciating different and opposing perspectives on an issue, adapting one's approach as situations change and accepting changes within one's own job or organization Kemampuan dan keinginan untuk beradaptasi dan bekerja secara efektif dalam bermacam-macam situasi, dan dengan beragam individu atau kelompok. Fleksibilitas memerlukan pemahaman dan apresiasi terhadap pandangan-pandangan yang berbeda dan bertentangan mengenai suatu isu, penyesuaian pendekatan seseorang saat situasi berubah dan penerimaan perubahan-perubahan dalam pekerjaannya sendiri atau organisasi. Behaviour Indicators
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It involves identifying a problem, obstacle or opportunity and taking appropriate action to address current or future problems or opportunities. As such, initiative can be seen in the context of proactively doing things and not simply thinking about future actions. Formal strategic planning is not included in this competency
Termasuk di dalamnya adalah mengidentifikasi suatu masalah, halangan atau kesempatan dan mengambil tindakan yang dipandang perlu untuk menghadapi masalah atau kesempatan saat ini atau di masa mendatang. Inisiatif semacam itu dapat pula dilihat dalam konteks melakukan hal-hal secara proaktif dan tidak hanya berpikir tentang tindakan yang akan dilakukan. Perencanaan strategis formal tidak termasuk dalam kompetensi ini. Behaviour Indicators
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An effort to improve performance by doing or promoting new things, such as introducing a previously unknown or untried solution or procedure to the specific area or organization Suatu upaya untuk meningkatkan kinerja dengan melakukan atau mempromosikan hal-hal baru, seperti memperkenalkan suatu solusi atau prosedur yang sebelumnya tidak pernah diketahui atau dicoba kepada area khusus atau organisasi. Behaviour Indicators
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Managerial | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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A desire to lead others, including diverse teams. Leadership is generally, but not always, demonstrated from a position of formal authority. The 'team' here should be understood broadly as any group with which the person interacts regularly Suatu keinginan untuk memimpin orang lain, termasuk tim-tim yang berbeda. Kepemimpinan pada umumnya, meskipun tidak selalu, ditunjukkan dari suatu posisi yang memiliki kewenangan resmi. 'Tim' di sini harus dipahami secara luas sebagai kelompok apa saja yang dengannya orang tersebut berinteraksi secara teratur Behaviour Indicators
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Developing OthersDescription
A genuine intent to foster the long term learning or development of others through coaching, managing performance and mentoring. Its focus is in on developmental intent and effect rather than on a formal role of training. For this competency to be considered, the individual's actions should be driven by a genuine desire to develop others, rather than by a need to transfer adequate skills to complete tasks Suatu keinginan tulus untuk memperkokoh pembelajaran atau pengembangan jangka panjang dari orang lain lewat coaching, pengelolaan kinerja dan mentoring. Fokusnya adalah pada kesungguhan dan efek pengembangan ketimbang pada peran pelatihan formal. Agar kompetensi ini dipertimbangkan, tindakan individu harus didorong oleh hasrat yang tulus untuk mengembangkan orang lain ketimbang oleh suatu kebutuhan untuk mentransfer keterampilan yang memadai untuk menyelesaikan tugas Behaviour Indicators
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Strategic OrientationDescription
Ability to link long-range visions and concepts to daily work, ranging from a simple understanding to a sophisticated awareness of the impact of the world at large on strategies and on choices
Kemampuan untuk menghubungkan visi dan konsep jangka panjang dengan kerja harian, mulai dari suatu pemahaman sederhana hingga suatu kesadaran yang tinggi akan dampaknya terhadap dunia pada umumnya dalam hal strategi dan pilihan Behaviour Indicators
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Planning Organizing & ControllingDescription
It involves proactively planning, establishing priorities and allocating resources. It is expressed by developing and implementing increasingly complex plans. It also involves monitoring and adjusting work to accomplish goals and deliver to the organization's mandate.
Termasuk di dalamnya adalah secara proaktif merencanakan, menetapkan prioritas dan mengalokasikan sumber daya. Hal-hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan mengembangkan dan melaksanakan rencana-rencana kompleks yang makin bertambah. Termasuk pula adalah mengawasi dan menyesuaikan pekerjaan untuk mencapai tujuan dan menyampaikan mandat organisasi. Behaviour Indicators
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The ability to share responsibility with individuals and groups so that they have a deep sense of commitment and ownership. People who practice empowerment participate and contribute at high levels, are creative and innovative, take sound risks, are willing to be held accountable and demonstrate leadership. They also foster teamwork among employees, across government and with colleagues, and, as appropriate, facilitate the effective use of teams Kemampuan untuk membagi tanggung jawab dengan individu dan kelompok sehingga mereka mempunyai perasaan komitmen dan rasa memiliki yang mendalam. Mereka yang mempraktikkan empowerment, berperan serta dan berkontribusi pada tingkat yang tinggi, adalah orang-orang yang kreatif dan inovatif dan mengambil risiko yang masuk akal, bersedia dimintai pertanggungjawabannya dan menunjukkan sikap kepemimpinan. Mereka juga membantu perkembangan kerja tim di antara karyawan, dengan pemerintahan dan rekan-rekan kerja, dan, secara tepat, memfasilitasi pemanfaatan tim secara efektif. Behaviour Indicators
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Business AcumenDescription
The ability to understand the business implication of decisions and the ability to strive to improve organizational performance. It requires an awareness of business issues, processes and outcomes as they impact the client?s and the organizations business needs
Kemampuan untuk memahami implikasi bisnis dari keputusan-keputusan dan kemampuan untuk berjuang meningkatkan kinerja organisasi. Hal ini membutuhkan kesadaran akan isu bisnis, proses dan hasil karena semuanya itu berpengaruh terhadap kebutuhan bisnis klien dan organisasi Behaviour Indicators
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Specific | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
technical |
Standard & CodeDescription
Knowledge and ability to apply symbol, code, standard and Classification National or International related to equipment and system design. Pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk memberlakukan simbol, kode, standar dan Klasifikasi Nasional atau Internasional terkait dengan desain peralata dan sistem. Behaviour Indicators
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Equipment MaintenanceDescription
Knowledge & ability in repairing and reconditioned of equipments back to its specification, maintain and enhance optimum equipment performance, and Knowledge & ability to apply symbol, code, standard and Classification National or International related to equipment & system design.
Pengetahuan & kemampuan dalam memperbaiki dan merekondisi peralatan kembali ke spesifikasi itu, mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kinerja peralatan yang optimal, dan Pengetahuan & kemampuan untuk menerapkan simbol, kode, standar dan Klasifikasi Nasional atau Internasional terkait dengan peralatan & desain sistem. Behaviour Indicators
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Cost AnalysisDescription
Knowledge and ability to run cost analysis and decision on expenses related to activity on production optimization and efficiency
Pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk melakukan analisa dan kebijakan pembiayaan terhadap biaya-biaya yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas produksi yang dapat berdampak pada optimasi dan effisiensi Behaviour Indicators
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Project ManagementDescription
Knowledge and ability to make initiating, planning, organizing, communication, monitoring a plan, organizing and control all resources to meet the plan/goal of project.
Pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk melakukan inisiasi, perencanaan, pengorganisasian, komunikasi, pemantauan rencana, pengorganisasian dan pengendalian semua sumber daya untuk memenuhi rencana / tujuan proyek. Behaviour Indicators
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Contractor ManagementDescription
Knowledge and ability to define technical criteria for contractor selection, sort and select the best fit contractor, monitoring & evaluate technical performance in accordance to QSHE-En system for the best benefit and profit of the company, efficiency & productivity.
Pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk menentukan kriteria teknis untuk pemilihan kontraktor, mengurutkan dan memilih kontraktor yang paling cocok, memantau & mengevaluasi kinerja teknis sesuai dengan sistem QSHE-En untuk keuntungan dan keuntungan terbaik perusahaan, efisiensi & produktivitas. Behaviour Indicators
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Maintenance Work ManagementDescription
Knowledge and ability to execute the maintenance work as its panning schedule, execute in safe condition, well manage risk, reliable at optimum cost & minimum /zero backlog.
Pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk melaksanakan pekerjaan pemeliharaan sesuai jadwal panning, mengeksekusi dalam kondisi aman, mengelola risiko dengan baik, dapat diandalkan dengan biaya optimal & jaminan minimum / nol. Behaviour Indicators
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General Manufacturing ProcessDescription
Knowledge and ability related with production process and inter relation between each section within the production process in producing product.
Pengetahuan dan kemampuan terkait proses produksi dan hubungan antara masing-masing bagian dalam proses produksi untuk menghasilkan produk. Behaviour Indicators
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