Job Description
Job Title | IT Clerk |
Abbreviation | CLKIT |
Company | MCCI |
Department | Administration & Compliance |
Division | Administration |
Section | Information Technology |
Unit | |
Position Level | Clerk |
Work Area | Plant |
Accountability | IT Section Manager |
Summary of Job Responsibility
The IT clerk the primary responsibility for execute all general work such as: Secretarial works, Administration, Control Budget, and Reservation for support section activity
Duties and Responsibilities
- Support Assistance Section Manager and member jobs in Informational Technology Administration activities and section operational based on section plan and company target.
- Control and assist in secretarial work depending on the instruction of Assistance Manager based on Standard Operational Procedure
- Assistance for work concerning the budget control in administration and support activities based on section plan and budget.
- Reception of section guest based on standard operational procedure.
- Filing material and document such as letter, contract, certificate, report and agreement, SOP and ISO document based on standard operational procedure.
- Arrange Business trip (Application, Reservation, etc) based on system and standard operational procedure.
- Make various type of form based on section operational procedure.
- Control and instruct office boys work based on IT work plan activities.
- Support QSHE management system.
- Practice of Corporate Compliance in work life and environmental based on Company policy
- Distribute document based on Instruction and standard operational procedure.
- Scheduling for IT Section member based on Section information.
- Purchasing entry data based on Instruction and standard operational procedure.
- IT Activity Record entry data based on data of section operational
- Provide a helpdesk for requesting IT services, answering administrative questions and recording based on standard operation procedure.
- Provide first level support for any and all IT issues related to IT services and it will also be a single point of contact for any IT issues (such as telecommunication, network and server)
- Generate and present reports on activity performance, trend reports and analysis for recurring problems, quantity and categorical reports for problems and service requests
- Forward unresolved problem or request to the proper channel of IT support
Competency Profile
Required Competency | RCL | ITJ | |||||||||||||||||||
General | |||||||||||||||||||||
soft |
Organization CommitmentDescription
The ability and willingness to align one’s own behavior with the needs, priorities and goals of the organization, and to promote organizational goals to meet organizational needs. It also includes performing in accordance to organizational decisions and behaving with integrity by working with responsibility, obey the rules, trustworthy, follow ethical value, and consistent among mind, words and action Kemampuan dan kesediaan untuk menyelaraskan perilaku diri dengan kebutuhan, prioritas dan tujuan organisasi, dan untuk mendukung tujuan organisasi dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan organisasi. Termasuk pula di dalamnya adalah bertindak sesuai dengan keputusan organisasi dan berperilaku dengan integritas yakni bekerja dengan penuh rasa tanggung jawab, patuh pada peraturan, kejujuran, nilai-nilai etika serta konsisten antara pemikiran, perkataan maupun perbuatan. Behaviour Indicators
1 |
3 |
soft |
Result OrientationDescription
A concern for surpassing a standard of excellence. The standard may be one's own past performance (striving for improvement); an objective measure (achievement orientation); challenging goals that one has set; or even improving or surpassing what has already been done (continues improvement). Thus, a unique accomplishment also indicates a Result Orientation Perhatian untuk melampaui standar keunggulan. Standar tersebut mungkin merupakan kinerja masa lalunya (berjuang untuk perbaikan); ukuran tujuan (orientasi pencapaian); tujuan-tujuan menantang yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya; atau bahkan merupakan perbaikan atau pelampauan yang telah dilakukan (perbaikan terus-menerus). Jadi, pencapaian yang unik juga mengindikasikan Result Orientation. Behaviour Indicators
1 |
3 |
soft |
Listening, Understanding, and RespondingDescription
A desire and ability to understand and respond effectively to stakeholders/related persons from diverse backgrounds. It includes the ability to understand accurately and respond effectively to both spoken and unspoken or partly expressed thoughts, feelings and concerns of others.
Keinginan dan kemampuan untuk memahami dan merespon stakeholder/orang terkait dari berbagai latar belakang yang bereda secara efektif. Termasuk kemampuan untuk memahami secara akurat dan merespon secara efektif perkataan dan bahasa tubuh atau sebagian ungkapan pemikiran, perasaan dan perhatian terhadap orang lain. Behaviour Indicators
1 |
2 |
soft |
Team WorkDescription
Ability to work co-operatively and communicate effectively (reporting, coordinating, consulting, and discussing (ho-ren-so)) within diverse teams, work groups and across the organization to achieve group and organization goals. Kemampuan untuk bekerja sama dengan baik dan berkomunikasi dengan efektif (melaporkan, mengkoordinasi, memberikan konsultasi, dan berdiskusi (ho-ren-so) dalam berbagai tim, kelompok kerja dan di seluruh bagian dari organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan kelompok dan organisasi. Behaviour Indicators
1 |
3 |
soft |
An effort to improve performance by doing or promoting new things, such as introducing a previously unknown or untried solution or procedure to the specific area or organization Suatu upaya untuk meningkatkan kinerja dengan melakukan atau mempromosikan hal-hal baru, seperti memperkenalkan suatu solusi atau prosedur yang sebelumnya tidak pernah diketahui atau dicoba kepada area khusus atau organisasi. Behaviour Indicators
1 |
2 |
soft |
The ability and willingness to anticipate and adapts to changes of future quickly and effectively. Agility needs understanding and appreciating different and opposing perspectives on an issue, adapting one’s approach as situations change and accepting changes within one’s own job or organization.
Kemampuan dan keinginan mengantisipasi dan beradaptasi terhadap perubahan yang akan datang secara cepat dan efektif. Agility memerlukan pemahaman dan apresiasi terhadap pandangan-pandangan yang berbeda dan bertentangan mengenai suatu isu, penyesuaian pendekatan seseorang saat situasi berubah dan penerimaan perubahan-perubahan dalam pekerjaannya sendiri atau organisasi. Behaviour Indicators
1 |
3 |
Managerial | |||||||||||||||||||||
Specific | |||||||||||||||||||||
technical |
Cost AnalysisDescription
Knowledge and ability to run cost analysis and decision on expenses related to activity on production optimization and efficiency
Pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk melakukan analisa dan kebijakan pembiayaan terhadap biaya-biaya yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas produksi yang dapat berdampak pada optimasi dan effisiensi Behaviour Indicators
1 |
1 |
technical |
Technical SupportDescription
Ability to implement, analyze, maintain, and manage IT devices which include: breakdown, preventive and corrective maintenance
Kemampuan mempraktekkan, analisa dan memelihara dalam penerapan dan mengelola peralatan IT, Meliputi; penanganan masalah, pencegahan dan perbaikan pemeliharaan. Behaviour Indicators
1 |
2 |
technical |
Technical Network System InfrastructureDescription
Knowledge and ability to support IT infrastructure in organization (eq.: enterprise servers, client server, storage devices and systems, hardware also software) in term of availability, management stirage, operation, scheduling, supporting, adn maintenance. Pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk mendukung infrastruktur TI dalam organisasi (mis .: server perusahaan, server klien, perangkat dan sistem penyimpanan, perangkat keras dan juga perangkat lunak) dalam hal ketersediaan, pengelolaan manajemen, operasi, penjadwalan, dukungan, dan pemeliharaan. Behaviour Indicators
1 |
2 |