Job Description
Job Title | Clinic Clerk |
Abbreviation | CLKCL |
Company | MCCI |
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Unit | |
Position Level | Clerk |
Work Area | Plant |
Accountability | HR Section Manager |
Summary of Job Responsibility
Clinic Administration clerk has the primary responsibility to assisting doctor in execute and assisting of clinic administration activities in company clinic and medical program. This position will support create clinic administration operational effectively and efficiency , create improvement medical and health administration activities and service, practice medical and health administration process and procedure for internal function or external relation.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Make letter such as announcement, internally to employees, other section and division or externally to health institution, base on instruction of company’s doctor, suitable company health policy.
- Arrange and keep all of clinic documentation such as the result of medical check-up for employees and medical test for employee candidate including the data for JHO employees and expatriates base on information and checking from nurse, suitable Medical Filling system and Medical SOP.
- Assist a doctor to make a minute of meeting such as administration weekly meeting, safety meeting ect. And prepare the meeting material if needed, base on planning and instruction of company’s doctor
- Prepare and take care of ISO in Medical administration implementation and documents, base on ISO management system, in order suitable company policy of operational system.
- Make request of training or development program base on instruction by Company doctor, suitable training need analysis of clinic staff competency and clinic budget plan, In order suitable competency model or standard of medical or clinic operator.
- Make report or letter for external health institution (Depnaker, Depkes, Diskes Pelabuhan), base on instruction and regulation.
- Make summary monthly report base on instruction by company doctor.
- Handle all clinical administration activities such as Medical activities, Health Program Activities ect. base on data or information of plan realization and record of medical program.
- Assist nurse in medical check up administration.
- Control and take care clinic administration base on medical administration filling system.
- Act as an effective team member in supporting quality, disciplines, decision and practice.
- Execute improve atmosphere and environment of work place by cooperating with related persons in order to create active, bright and discipline division.
- Maintain intimate communication with other section in order manage division activity smoothly.
- Practice of Corporate Compliance in work life and environmental
- Perform other task assigned by nurse, shift doctor and company doctor.
Competency Profile
Required Competency | RCL | ITJ | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
General | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
soft |
Organization CommitmentDescription
The ability and willingness to align one’s own behavior with the needs, priorities and goals of the organization, and to promote organizational goals to meet organizational needs. It also includes performing in accordance to organizational decisions and behaving with integrity by working with responsibility, obey the rules, trustworthy, follow ethical value, and consistent among mind, words and action Kemampuan dan kesediaan untuk menyelaraskan perilaku diri dengan kebutuhan, prioritas dan tujuan organisasi, dan untuk mendukung tujuan organisasi dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan organisasi. Termasuk pula di dalamnya adalah bertindak sesuai dengan keputusan organisasi dan berperilaku dengan integritas yakni bekerja dengan penuh rasa tanggung jawab, patuh pada peraturan, kejujuran, nilai-nilai etika serta konsisten antara pemikiran, perkataan maupun perbuatan. Behaviour Indicators
1 |
3 |
soft |
Concern for QualityDescription
An underlying drive to reduce uncertainty in the working Quality (quality, safety, health, environment), process and system. It is expressed as monitoring and checking work or information, insisting on clarity of roles and functions
Suatu dorongan dasar untuk mengurangi ketidakpastian dalam Kualitas kerja (kualitas, keamanan, kesehatan, lingkungan hidup), proses dan sistem. Hal ini diekspresikan dalam bentuk pengawasan dan pemeriksaan terhadap pekerjaan atau informasi, yang menegaskan kejelasan peran dan fungsi Behaviour Indicators
1 |
2 |
soft |
Result OrientationDescription
A concern for surpassing a standard of excellence. The standard may be one's own past performance (striving for improvement); an objective measure (achievement orientation); challenging goals that one has set; or even improving or surpassing what has already been done (continues improvement). Thus, a unique accomplishment also indicates a Result Orientation Perhatian untuk melampaui standar keunggulan. Standar tersebut mungkin merupakan kinerja masa lalunya (berjuang untuk perbaikan); ukuran tujuan (orientasi pencapaian); tujuan-tujuan menantang yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya; atau bahkan merupakan perbaikan atau pelampauan yang telah dilakukan (perbaikan terus-menerus). Jadi, pencapaian yang unik juga mengindikasikan Result Orientation. Behaviour Indicators
1 |
2 |
soft |
Listening, Understanding, and RespondingDescription
A desire and ability to understand and respond effectively to stakeholders/related persons from diverse backgrounds. It includes the ability to understand accurately and respond effectively to both spoken and unspoken or partly expressed thoughts, feelings and concerns of others.
Keinginan dan kemampuan untuk memahami dan merespon stakeholder/orang terkait dari berbagai latar belakang yang bereda secara efektif. Termasuk kemampuan untuk memahami secara akurat dan merespon secara efektif perkataan dan bahasa tubuh atau sebagian ungkapan pemikiran, perasaan dan perhatian terhadap orang lain. Behaviour Indicators
1 |
2 |
soft |
Team WorkDescription
Ability to work co-operatively and communicate effectively (reporting, coordinating, consulting, and discussing (ho-ren-so)) within diverse teams, work groups and across the organization to achieve group and organization goals. Kemampuan untuk bekerja sama dengan baik dan berkomunikasi dengan efektif (melaporkan, mengkoordinasi, memberikan konsultasi, dan berdiskusi (ho-ren-so) dalam berbagai tim, kelompok kerja dan di seluruh bagian dari organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan kelompok dan organisasi. Behaviour Indicators
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2 |
soft |
Information SeekingDescription
A desire to know more about things, people and/or issues (know how, know why). It implies going beyond the questions that are routine or required in the job. It may include's digging or pressing for exact information; resolution of discrepancies by asking a series of questions; or less-focused environmental for potential opportunities or miscellaneous information that may be of future use.
Keinginan untuk mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai hal-hal, orang-orang dan/atau isu-isu (mengetahui bagaimana, mengapa). Hal itu menyiratkan keinginan untuk bertanya lebih jauh dari hal-hal yang rutin atau diwajibkan dalam pekerjaan tersebut. Termasuk di antaranya adalah atau berupaya keras untuk memperoleh informasi yang tepat; mengatasi perbedaan dengan menanyakan serangkaian pertanyaan; atau mengamati hal-hal di luar lingkupnya untuk memperoleh potensi kesempatan atau informasi beragam yang mungkin berguna di masa depan. Behaviour Indicators
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1 |
technical |
Service OrientationDescription
A desire to identify and serve customers include public, partners, superior, peers, subordinate, branches, and other organizations. It means focusing one\'s efforts on discovering and meeting needs of the customer
Keinginan untuk mengidentifikasi dan melayani pelanggan termasuk masyarakat luas, rekan bisnis, atasan, rekan kerja, bawahan, dan organisasi lain. Dalam arti memfokuskan usaha untuk menemukan dan memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan. Behaviour Indicators
1 |
3 |
Managerial | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
soft |
Strategic OrientationDescription
Ability to link long-range visions and concepts to daily work, ranging from a simple understanding to a sophisticated awareness of the impact of the world at large on strategies and on choices
Kemampuan untuk menghubungkan visi dan konsep jangka panjang dengan kerja harian, mulai dari suatu pemahaman sederhana hingga suatu kesadaran yang tinggi akan dampaknya terhadap dunia pada umumnya dalam hal strategi dan pilihan Behaviour Indicators
1 |
1 |
Specific | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
technical |
Secretarial WorkDescription
Knowledge and ability in handling administration activities and secretariat which include filing system, correspondence, scheduling, accommodation, and transportation and also managing office facility and equipment
Pengetahuan dan kemampuan dalam menangani kegiatan tata usaha dan sekretariat termasuk sistem pengarsipan, korespondensi, penjadwalan, akomodasi, dan transportasi dan juga mengelola fasilitas dan peralatan kantor. Behaviour Indicators
2 |
3 |