Competency Dictionary

Plant Operation 2 (PLOP2)

Knowledge and ability to operate production process and facilities (TPA: PTA, PET: SSP) in any condition (normal & abnormal) in order to ensure safety and stable operation.
Pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk mengoperasikan proses dan fasilitas produksi (TPA: PTA, PET: SSP) dalam kondisi apa pun (normal & abnormal) untuk memastikan keamanan dan operasi yang stabil.
Level Behaviour Indicator
4 Expert
1 As a reference for plant operation
Sebagai referensi untuk operasi pabrik
2 Able to do improvement in plant operation related safety and efficient work
Mampu melakukan peningkatan keselamatan operasi terkait pekerjaan dan pekerjaan yang efisien
3 Very Skilled
1 Able to check and control day to day overall plant operation
Dapat memeriksa dan mengendalikan operasi pabrik sehari-hari secara keseluruhan
2 Able to give instruction, education and technical coaching to his subordinates related with plant operation
Mampu memberikan instruksi, pendidikan dan bimbingan teknis kepada bawahannya terkait dengan operasi pabrik
3 Able to operate overall plant independently
Mampu mengoperasikan keseluruhan pabrik secara mandiri
4 Understand the conseuqeunces of abnormal condition of integrate facility operation to process and quality.
Memahami konsekuensi dari kondisi abnormal operasi fasilitas untuk proses dan kualitas.
5 Able to handle abnormal operation and emergency situation
Mampu menangani operasi abnormal dan situasi darurat
6 Able to do investigation of abnormality
Mampu melakukan investigasi keadaan tidak normal
7 Able to verify the quality analysis result with quality standard specification and take necessary action
Mampu memverifikasi hasil analisis kualitas dengan spesifikasi standar kualitas dan mengambil tindakan yang diperlukan
8 Able to handle unit facility trouble and supervise emergency situation
Mampu menangani masalah pada unit fasilitas dan mengawasi situasi darurat
9 Able to give education unit facility & operation
Mampu memberikan fasilitas & operasi unit pendidikan
10 Able to give education of abnormality (emergency, trouble)
Mampu memberikan pendidikan terkait keadaan tidak normal (darurat, kesulitan)
2 Skilled
1 Understand Plant Operation
Memahami Operasi Pabrik
2 Able to handle individual machine trouble
Mampu menangani masalah mesin individual
3 Able to operate unit facility/operation independently
Mampu mengoperasikan fasilitas unit / operasi secara mandiri
4 Able to operate overall plant under supervision
Mampu mengoperasikan pabrik secara keseluruhan di bawah pengawasan
5 Understand the conseuqeunces of abnormal condition to unit facility/operation and process
Memahami konsekuensi kondisi tidak normal terhadap fasilitas unit / operasi dan proses
6 Able to identify abnormality of unit facility and propose correction
Mampu mengidentifikasi kelainan fasilitas unit dan mengusulkan koreksi
7 Understand quality standard specification of sample items
Memahami spesifikasi standar kualitas sampel barang
8 Able to handle abnormal and emergency situation of plant under supervision
Mampu menangani situasi tidak normal dan darurat pabrik di bawah pengawasan
9 Able to give basic operation process education
Mampu memberikan pendidikan dasar proses operasi
10 Able to propose improvement of working environment and safety
Mampu mengusulkan peningkatan lingkungan kerja dan keselamatan
1 Semiskilled
1 Understand the Basic operation process.
Memahami dasar proses operasi.
2 Able to operate individual machine operation independently
Mampu mengoperasikan operasi alat berat secara mandiri
3 Able to operate unit facility/operation under supervision
Mampu mengoperasikan fasilitas unit / operasi di bawah pengawasan
4 Understand the conseuqeunces of abnormal condition of individual machine operation to process and quality
Memahami konsekuensi kondisi abnormal operasi mesin individu untuk proses dan kualitas
5 Able to identifiy abnormality and propose correction
Mampu mengidentifikasi kelainan dan mengusulkan koreksi
6 Able to do proper sampling
Mampu melakukan pengambilan sampel yang tepat