Competency Dictionary

System Infrastructure (SYSINF)

Knowledge and ability to support IT infrastructure in organization (eq.: enterprise servers, client server, storage devices and systems, hardware also software) in term of availability, management stirage, operation, scheduling, supporting, adn maintenance.
Pengetahuan dan kemampuan pada mendukung infrastruktur sistem komputer ( antara lain; enterprise servers, client server, storage devices and system, hardware and software) dalamhal ketersediaan, manajemen, penyimpanan, operasi, penjadwalan, dukungan dan pemeliharaan.
Level Behaviour Indicator
4 Expert
1 Having wide range of knowledge related with principal of platform, technologi, and trend of technology
Memiliki pemahaman yang sangat luas dan dalam terkait prinsip-prinsip platform, teknologi, dan trend teknologi
2 Able to perform as resources person
3 Very Skilled
1 Able to analyze a specific solution and IT infrastructure maintenance related with IT strategic planning for forward improvement of new technology
Mampu menganalisa dan spesifik solusi dan perawatan IT infrastrutur dengan IT Stratefic Planning untuk improvement ke depan dengan teknologi terbaru
2 Able to make stepping plan and continuous improvement for contractor performance and cost analysis in system
Mampu membuat perencanaan langkah-langkah dan pelaksanaan continues improvement bagi kinerja kontraktor dan analisa biaya (cost) dalam system
3 Able to analyze and improve the reliability of system recovery (business continuity plan)
Mampu menganalisis dan meningkatkan keandalan sistem pemulihan (rencana bisnis berkesinambungan)
4 Able to make improvement of main platform of System infrastructure design (network, server and storage) for system efficiency
Mampu melakukan peningkatan platform utama desain infrastruktur Sistem (jaringan, server dan penyimpanan) untuk efisiensi sistem
5 Able to make design for operation control management and security of main platform System Infrastructure
Mampu membuat desain untuk manajemen kontrol operasi dan keamanan platform Sistem Infrastruktur utama
6 Able to make infrastructure system design (network, server and storage)
Mampu membuat desain sistem infrastruktur (jaringan, server dan penyimpanan)
7 Able to manage and analyze operation main Platform of System Infrastructure utilization technology
Mampu mengelola dan menganalisis platform utama pemanfaatan teknnologi sistem Infrastruktur
2 Skilled
1 Understand and able to define advance IT infrastructure integrately (system data center : Domain Server, File Server, Mail Server, Antivirus Server)
Memahami dan mampu menentukan IT infrastruktur secara integrasi lebih lanjut (system data center : Domain Server, File Server, Mail Server, Antivirus Server)
2 Understand and can explain basic system recovery (business continuity plan)
Memahami dan dapat menjelaskan sistem dasar pemulihan (rencana bisnis berkesinambungan)
3 Able to prepare installation procedure or advise for problems in IT infrastructure and data center
Mampu menyiapkan prosedure instalasi dan memberi petunjuk atau saran permasalahan dalam system IT infrastruktur dan data center
4 Able to support facility management of main platform of System Infrastructure and Data Center
Mampu mendukung manajemen fasilitas platform utama Infrastruktur Sistem dan Pusat Data
5 Able to manage and analyze operation control for system infrastructure
Mampu mengelola dan menganalisis operasi kontrol untuk sistem infrastruktur
6 Able to deliver infrastructure system project management implementation
Mampu menyampaikan proyek sistem infrastruktur yang sudah terlaksana
7 Able to Maintenance and operation failure repair main platform of System Infrastructure
Mampu melakukan pemeliharaan dan perbaikan kegagalan operasi platform utama sistem Infrastruktur.
1 Semiskilled
1 Understand and can explain the basic concept of platform of System infrastructure construction
Memahami dan dapat menjelaskan konsep dasar platform pembangunan sistem infrastruktur
2 Able to configure the server for system as instruction (system : Domain Server, File Server, Mail Server, Antivirus Server)
Mampu melakukan konfigurasi server untuk system sesuai dengan petunjuk (system : Domain Server, File Server, Mail Server, Antivirus Server)
3 Able to execute technical troubleshooting for the system as instruction
Mampu melaksanakan technical troubleshooting pada system sesuai dengan petunjuk
4 Understand and able to execute daily basic system operation as instruction (user registarsi, join domain komputer user)
Memahami dan mampu melakukan dasar daily operation system sesuai dengan pentujuk (user registarsi, join domain komputer user)
5 Able to maintain system as instruction (monitoring of data backup, file server quota, monitoring of virus log)
Mampu melakukan perawatan sistem sesuai dengan petunjuk (monitor backup data, file server quota,monitoring virus log)
6 Able to execute of System Infrastructure project management implementation
Mampu melaksanakan implementasi manajemen proyek sistem Infrastruktur