Competency Dictionary
Compensation & Benefit Management (CB)
Description |
Ability to create, implement ad evaluate equitable, effective and comply rewards structures which include compensation, benefits, pensions and perquisites |
Kemampuan untuk membuat, menerapkan evaluasi, efektif, dan mematuhi struktur penghargaan yang mencakup kompensasi, tunjangan, pensiun, dan imbalan |
Level | Behaviour Indicator | ||
4 | Expert | ||
1 | Able to establish compensation & benefit strategy and policy to accommodate organization growth Mampu membuat strategi dan kebijakan kompensasi & benefit sesuai dengan perkembangan organisasi |
2 | Able to design innovative compensation structures to best serve the needs of the organization and to attract and retain top talents Mampu merancang struktur kompensasi inovatif untuk melayani kebutuhan organisasi dengan sebaik-baiknya dan untuk menarik serta mempertahankan talenta terbaik |
3 | Able to assess the affordability of the total rewards structure Mampu menilai keterjangkauan total struktur penghargaan |
3 | Very Skilled | ||
1 | Able to use a method and technique of compensation & benefit Mampu menggunakan metode dan teknik kompensasi & benefit |
2 | Able to ensure that policies are in place to require the equitable and are consistent with pay equity legislation Mampu memastikan bahwa kebijakan tersedia untuk mensyaratkan kesetaraan dan konsisten dengan undang-undang kesetaraan upah |
3 | Able to review and analyze expense to propose budget for next fiscal year. Mampu meninjau dan menganalisis pengeluaran untuk mengusulkan anggaran untuk tahun fiskal berikutnya. |
4 | Able to analyze and provide solution for compensation & benefit problem Mampu menganalisa dan memberikan solusi atas persoalan kompensasi & benefit |
5 | Able to assess the perquisites that will have the greatest value to employees at the lowest cost to organization Mampu menilai perquisites yang akan memiliki nilai terbesar bagi karyawan dengan biaya terendah untuk organisasi |
6 | Able to give recommendation based on the analysis of compensation & benefit survey result and organization condition Mampu memberikan rekomendasi berdasarkan analisis hasil survei kompensasi & manfaat dan kondisi organisasi |
2 | Skilled | ||
1 | Understand and able to implement system and policy due to compensation and benefit Memahami dan dapat menerapkan sistem dan kebijakan kompensasi & benefit |
2 | Able to validate a compensation and benefit data Mampu melakukan validitas data kompensasi & benefit yang didapat |
3 | Able to analyze every problem appears and categorize it as a basis for suggestion Mampu melakukan analisa setiap permasalahan yang terjadi dan mampu mengkategorikannya sebagai dasar dalam pemberian saran |
4 | Able to make decisions on application of rewards structures based on observable facts and within the rules of the structure Mampu membuat keputusan tentang penerapan struktur penghargaan berdasarkan fakta yang dapat diobservasi dan dalam aturan struktur |
5 | Able to understand and analyze the result of compensation & benefit survey Mampu memahami dan menganalisa hasil dari survey compensation & benefit |
1 | Semiskilled | ||
1 | Understand on remuneration concept Memahami konsep remuneration |
2 | Understand the administration of compensation and benefit which covers PPH 21 calculation and benefit claim which is consist of medical allowance, medical insurance, pension fund, Jamsostek Claim, payable business trip claim, income tax, housing loan, reward claim ( ED, KT, HH, QCC), repatriation claim and other claim Memahami administrasi kompensasi & benefit yang mencakup: perhitungan pph 21 dan benefit claim yang meliputi medical allowance, medical insurance, pension fund, jamsostek claim, pay slip business trip claim, income tax, housing loan, reward claim (ED, KT, HH, QCC), repatriation claim dan other claim |
3 | Able to prepare internal data related to compensation & benefit survey Mampu menyiapkan data-data terkait survei kompensasi & benefit (internal) |
4 | Able to conduct a compensation & benefit survey ( external ) Mampu melakukan survey kompensasi & benefit (external) |
5 | Able to process data input of compensation & benefit into the existing system Mampu menjalankan proses input data terkait kompensasi & benefit dalam sistem yang digunakan |
6 | Able to assist Superior in collecting information to support development of rewards structure Mampu membantu Superior dalam mengumpulkan informasi untuk mendukung pengembangan struktur penghargaan |