Competency Dictionary
Instrument Operation & Control Methods (INSOP)
Description |
Knowledge and ability to understand operational principle of instrument and process control in order to support manufacture operation in accordance with QSHE |
Pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk memahami prinsip operasional instrumen dan kendali proses untuk mendukung operasi manufaktur sesuai dengan QSHE |
Level | Behaviour Indicator | ||
4 | Expert | ||
1 | Able to establish strategy for instrument facility for reliability in instrumentation performance. Mampu menetapkan strategi untuk fasilitas instrumen untuk kehandalan pada performa instrumentasi. |
2 | Able to develop Instrument Operation & Control Policy adopting trend technology Mampu mengembangkan Operasi Instrumen & Kebijakan Pengendalian yang mengadopsi tren teknologi. |
3 | Very Skilled | ||
1 | Understand Automation System (DCS & PLC) Maintenance & Modification. Memahami Pemeliharaan & Modifikasi Sistem Otomasi (DCS & PLC) |
2 | Understand Modification step for Control System Memahami Langkah Modifikasi untuk Sistem Kendali. |
3 | Understand how to Create Calibration Procedure for specific instrument Memahami bagaimana Menciptakan Prosedur Kalibrasi untuk instrumen khusus. |
4 | Understand to Setup New Field Device Memahami Setelan Perangkat Lapangan Baru. |
5 | Able to create Instrument Control Basic Design Mampu menciptakan Desain Dasar Kendali Instrumen |
6 | Able to calculate & Sizing Instrument Devices Mampu menghitung & Mengukur Perangkat Instrumen. |
7 | Able to implement SIS Safety Instrumented System to establish design Mampu melaksanakan Sistem Instrument Keselamatan SIS untuk menetapkan desain |
8 | Able to use DCS Engineering Station and PLC Software Mampu menggunakan Stasiun Teknik DCS dan Piranti Lunak PLC. |
9 | Able to determine philoshopy of control system Mampu menetapkan filosofi sistem kendali |
10 | Able to read Vendor Instruction Manual and Vendor Specification Sheet Mampu membaca Pedoman Instruksi Vendor dan Lembar Spesifikasi Vendor |
11 | Able to analyze trouble shooting and take recommendation for improvement. Mampu menganalisa pemecahan masalah dan menggunakan rekomendasi untuk peningkatan. |
12 | Able to recognize weaknesses of control system and recommend appropriate action Mampu mengenali kelemahan sistem kontrol dan merekomendasikan tindakan yang tepat |
13 | Able to sizing for Field Instrument Mampu mengukur untuk Instrumen Lapangan |
14 | Able to analyze Hazard & Risk Mampu menganalisa Bahaya & Risiko |
15 | Able to create Cause and Effect Matrix. Mampu menciptakan Matriks Sebab dan Pengaruh |
2 | Skilled | ||
1 | Understand P& ID. Memahami P& ID. |
2 | Understand Cause and effect of Process control. Memahami sebab dan pengaruh Kontrol Proses. |
3 | Understand Trouble shooting Technique Memahami Teknik Mengatasi Masalah. |
4 | Understand How to calculate simple measurement. Memahami bagaimana menghitung pengukuran sederhana. |
5 | Able to read Plant P&ID. Mampu membaca P&ID Pabrik. |
6 | Able to read Basic Process Control System (BPCS), Interlock System and Emergency Shut Down System. Mampu membaca Sistem Kontrol Proses Dasar (BPCS), Sistem Interlock dan Sistem Shutdown Darurat. |
7 | Able to set Field Instrument Setting Parameter. Mampu menyetel Parameter Setelan Instrumen Lapangan. |
8 | Able to Use Field Instrument Communicator Mampu menggunakan Komunikator Instrumen Lapangan. |
9 | Able to do trouble shooting complex loop & sequencing Mampu melakukan loop & urutan rumit penanganan masalah. |
10 | Able to do trouble shooting for Field Instrument problem Mampu melakukan penanganan masalah untuk Instrumen Lapangan |
1 | Semiskilled | ||
1 | Understands operating procedure and calibration Memahami prosedur mengoperasikan dan mengkalibrasi |
2 | Understand basic instrument device. Memahami perangkat instrumen dasar. |
3 | Understand basic measurement system. Memahami sistem pegukuran dasar |
4 | Understand basic control system. Memahami sistem kontrol dasar |
5 | Understand Calibration procedur Memahami prosedur Kalibrasi |
6 | Understand Instrumentation Maintenance. Memahami Pemeliharaan Instrumentasi |
7 | Able to read Loop, Logic, Wiring diagram, and Hook up. Mampu membaca Loop, Logic, Diagram Wiring, dan Hook up. |
8 | Able to calibrate device based on SOP. Mampu mengkalibrasi perangkat berdasarkan SOP. |
9 | Able to Use Standard Instruments. Mampu Menggunakan Instrumen Standar |
10 | Able to do trouble shoot for simple loop. Mampu melakukan penanganan masalah untuk loop sederhana |
11 | Able to prepare Instrument Calibration & Maintenance Material. Mampu mempersiapkan Kalibrasi Instrumen & Pemeliharaan Material. |