Competency Dictionary

Instrument Operation & Control Methods (INSOP)

Knowledge and ability to understand operational principle of instrument and process control in order to support manufacture operation in accordance with QSHE
Pengetahuan dan kemampuan untuk memahami prinsip operasional instrumen dan kendali proses untuk mendukung operasi manufaktur sesuai dengan QSHE
Level Behaviour Indicator
4 Expert
1 Able to establish strategy for instrument facility for reliability in instrumentation performance.
Mampu menetapkan strategi untuk fasilitas instrumen untuk kehandalan pada performa instrumentasi.
2 Able to develop Instrument Operation & Control Policy adopting trend technology
Mampu mengembangkan Operasi Instrumen & Kebijakan Pengendalian yang mengadopsi tren teknologi.
3 Very Skilled
1 Understand Automation System (DCS & PLC) Maintenance & Modification.
Memahami Pemeliharaan & Modifikasi Sistem Otomasi (DCS & PLC)
2 Understand Modification step for Control System
Memahami Langkah Modifikasi untuk Sistem Kendali.
3 Understand how to Create Calibration Procedure for specific instrument
Memahami bagaimana Menciptakan Prosedur Kalibrasi untuk instrumen khusus.
4 Understand to Setup New Field Device
Memahami Setelan Perangkat Lapangan Baru.
5 Able to create Instrument Control Basic Design
Mampu menciptakan Desain Dasar Kendali Instrumen
6 Able to calculate & Sizing Instrument Devices
Mampu menghitung & Mengukur Perangkat Instrumen.
7 Able to implement SIS Safety Instrumented System to establish design
Mampu melaksanakan Sistem Instrument Keselamatan SIS untuk menetapkan desain
8 Able to use DCS Engineering Station and PLC Software
Mampu menggunakan Stasiun Teknik DCS dan Piranti Lunak PLC.
9 Able to determine philoshopy of control system
Mampu menetapkan filosofi sistem kendali
10 Able to read Vendor Instruction Manual and Vendor Specification Sheet
Mampu membaca Pedoman Instruksi Vendor dan Lembar Spesifikasi Vendor
11 Able to analyze trouble shooting and take recommendation for improvement.
Mampu menganalisa pemecahan masalah dan menggunakan rekomendasi untuk peningkatan.
12 Able to recognize weaknesses of control system and recommend appropriate action
Mampu mengenali kelemahan sistem kontrol dan merekomendasikan tindakan yang tepat
13 Able to sizing for Field Instrument
Mampu mengukur untuk Instrumen Lapangan
14 Able to analyze Hazard & Risk
Mampu menganalisa Bahaya & Risiko
15 Able to create Cause and Effect Matrix.
Mampu menciptakan Matriks Sebab dan Pengaruh
2 Skilled
1 Understand P& ID.
Memahami P& ID.
2 Understand Cause and effect of Process control.
Memahami sebab dan pengaruh Kontrol Proses.
3 Understand Trouble shooting Technique
Memahami Teknik Mengatasi Masalah.
4 Understand How to calculate simple measurement.
Memahami bagaimana menghitung pengukuran sederhana.
5 Able to read Plant P&ID.
Mampu membaca P&ID Pabrik.
6 Able to read Basic Process Control System (BPCS), Interlock System and Emergency Shut Down System.
Mampu membaca Sistem Kontrol Proses Dasar (BPCS), Sistem Interlock dan Sistem Shutdown Darurat.
7 Able to set Field Instrument Setting Parameter.
Mampu menyetel Parameter Setelan Instrumen Lapangan.
8 Able to Use Field Instrument Communicator
Mampu menggunakan Komunikator Instrumen Lapangan.
9 Able to do trouble shooting complex loop & sequencing
Mampu melakukan loop & urutan rumit penanganan masalah.
10 Able to do trouble shooting for Field Instrument problem
Mampu melakukan penanganan masalah untuk Instrumen Lapangan
1 Semiskilled
1 Understands operating procedure and calibration
Memahami prosedur mengoperasikan dan mengkalibrasi
2 Understand basic instrument device.
Memahami perangkat instrumen dasar.
3 Understand basic measurement system.
Memahami sistem pegukuran dasar
4 Understand basic control system.
Memahami sistem kontrol dasar
5 Understand Calibration procedur
Memahami prosedur Kalibrasi
6 Understand Instrumentation Maintenance.
Memahami Pemeliharaan Instrumentasi
7 Able to read Loop, Logic, Wiring diagram, and Hook up.
Mampu membaca Loop, Logic, Diagram Wiring, dan Hook up.
8 Able to calibrate device based on SOP.
Mampu mengkalibrasi perangkat berdasarkan SOP.
9 Able to Use Standard Instruments.
Mampu Menggunakan Instrumen Standar
10 Able to do trouble shoot for simple loop.
Mampu melakukan penanganan masalah untuk loop sederhana
11 Able to prepare Instrument Calibration & Maintenance Material.
Mampu mempersiapkan Kalibrasi Instrumen & Pemeliharaan Material.